Cross-body bag Review.

Here is finally my cross-body-bag review.
After months of search and thinking which bag should I buy? I’ve came across this cross-body bag from the brand: COS and when it was finally arrived, I immediately put this bag out of the box, to see if I made the right decision by ordering this one. This bag was already on my mind, but I wasn’t sure if everything that I carry around with me, would fit in this bag? So I placed the order and thought: if it’s not the right bag, I always can send it back right?

Now I knew that I wanted to have a leather-bag and a bigger-one than just a small-cross-body bag. But the bigger the bag, Higher chance that the prize goes up instead of down. Sounds logical right? 🙂 . Now I had a clear-idea that I want to have a medium bag where I could put my personal-stuff in like: polaroid camera, keys, wallet, phone. So a very big-bag was not necessary. The bigger-the bag, higher chance that you put stuff in your bag that you exactly don’t need to carry around with. Beside’s that: if you’re bag get’s stolen, you lose more stuff 😉

Now let me introduce you my New Cross-body-bag from: COS it’s a medium-bag made from 100% leather. It’s a larger bag, but not extremely large, but exactly the size that I was searching for! With enough space for a camera, large-wallet, keys , earphones , and other stuff that I keep carry around with me. The bag doesn’t feel heavy on my shoulders, so that’s a win for me. Especially if I go to the city for a coffee, I can easily carry this bag with me.

Now that I have this Cross-body-bag from: COS for a couple of weeks, I can give a honest and clear opinion about it. The quality of the leather is good, when I only put my essentials in the bag, I still have space enough for a small-notebook or anything else, that I need to carry around with when I’m on the go. It’s an affordable bag, and the quality is amazing. This makes the bag very interesting for everyone. I’m very pleased with the fact that I now have a larger bag that I use for several occasions like catching-up with a friend, or having a walk into the city-centre.