From Paris With Love

From Paris Wit Love.

The Eiftel-Tower in Paris.
Eifel-tower At night.
Black outfit, with Eifel-tower behind me.

Hello Guys !

From Paris with love.

It’s my first blogpost of this year 2025, and I’m super excited ! πŸ™‚ how are you doing? I’ve kicked-off The year 2025 in Paris! The first weekend of 2025, I decided to start The year in Paris. Because I Felt it was the best way to kick-off the year. A City full of energy, full of beautiful places, good food, and of course some great company as well. It’s been way too-long, that I visited The city of Love. My last time was in 2018. So I was super excited to visit Paris again, and this time for a special-occasion, but also as tourist.

After a intens holiday-season, with a lot going on, I felt the need to escape my current area, and seek for new energy. A international-city as Paris, always brings out the best of me. I feel energise, and inspired to live life to the fullest. Now this time it was my second-time in French-Capital. And I came very prepared to Paris. Which means I made a list of places that would like to see with my own-eyes. And Yes we did that! I’ve visited the most famous places in Paris, and The weekend went by so fast. But I’m came back with some much beautiful memories ! Have you ever been in Paris? πŸ™‚ Let me now, love to hear from you. I hope you enjoy the pictures, and can’t wait to share travel-stories with you.

Arc de Thriomphe  Paris.
Louvre Muesa Paris.
Notre Dame Paris.
Cafe de Flore Paris.
My outfit of the day, at Cafe de Floris Paris.
Breakfast in Cafe de Flore Paris.
Black outfit  & Eifel tower.
Outfit of the day in Paris.
Hands-Up I'm at Eifel-tower Paris.

Outfit of the day:

I was wearing: Blazer: COS

Grey Turtleneck: Soft Goat

Pants: Mango

Loafers: H&M

Sunglasses: YSL

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