Grey Winter-Scarf

As The Winter Continues.
As winter is in full-swing, winter-essentials are now our best-friends! We don’t go outside doors, without a decent scarf, handgloves and our beanie. In today’s post I want to feature my favourite-winter item, which is this Grey-Cashmere scarf from: H&M , I’ve purchased this one last year 2023, around the Fall/Winter. With choosing a light-soft-material as cashmere. I know that I have a soft material around my neck. Something that I highly need, and what I think works fine for a lot of people. At least it works for me. Furthermore it’s a nice and traditional-scarf with no logo’s or stripes on it. So it’s easily to match with the other parts of my outfit. It’s a traditional-scarf that I can use year in, year out. So I don’t have to worry about the fact: that is going out of style or something like that.
Especially since I’ve discovered cashmere a few years a go. I always looking for this material in several-items. This scarf is a more affordable item. Since cashmere is the most expensive and authentic material on the planet. I decided to go for a Grey-version. Because at the moment I have few items in my wardrobe. That fits good with my Grey-Scarf. For example my wool-jumper. That is more towards dark-grey.

Now as you can see on the second-picture. A Grey-Scarf goes very-well with a traditional-grey -coat. It feels like I bring that last finishing-touch on the outfit. With a Grey-soft-cashmere scarf. If you have a navy-blue, or black-coat. You can easily use your Grey scarf in combination with a navy-blue or black coat. You don’t have to worry about it. Because these colour-combinations works very well. When you go for a scarf with a lot of colours into it, you will discover that it’s harder to have more stable and solid outfit. A Scarf needs to be functional as well, so make sure you choose the right one. That is easily to style, but also functional at same time. Furthermore I Recommend to go for Wool- or-Cashmere if you searching for a decent-scarf, that last forever. Take the time to do your re-research and find out which scarf fits the best with your coats. Because at the end of the day. It’s the last layer under your coat.