What I learned in 2024 and you can apply in your life too

What I learned in 2024 and you can apply in your life too.

As 2025 is in full-swing, I’m excited to share my lessons and things that I’ve learned in 2024. It’s fascinating how life goes with all your ups and downs, and the challenges that comes along with. Especially in this modern-era where there is competition everywhere. The year 2024 has been a year of growth if I look back to it, do you feel the same? ๐Ÿ™‚ let me know! I’m very curious to hear your stories and to learn from each other. Because at the end of the day, we are not perfect, but we are good-enough.

One of the things that I’ve learned in 2024, is that everyone has their own time-line. While others are getting married before 35 and even 30, others are still figuring-out who they are and how they want to live their life. Another thing that I’ve learned is: LET THEM! It’s there choice, not yours. It’s their point of view and how they see others. It has noting to do with you! Sometimes we get stuck into others people opinions, but you need to do: You! No one else is going to take you out of bed when you feel horrible. No one else will do it for you, just start believing in yourself and you are half-way.

Take the chance ! 
Another lesson that I’ve learned during the Summer 2024, Is stepping-out of your comfort- zone, it takes some courage but if you want to make growth as a person this means you sometimes have to do the opposite. To make growth and learn, to get a new perspective on certain things. Sometimes you need to create your own opportunities or own-luck, to put yourself in a better place. 

You are good enough!
We’ve all been through situations or moments that we have doubts about ourselves. But one of my daily-affirmations that I’ve write down when I mediate is: I’m good enough! 
and you are you good-enough in every single-way, if you don’t get that job that you apply for: take this as a reminder. Because sometimes when we face rejection: we think: oh I’m not good enough, but it’s not true! It’s has nothing to do, with you are as a person, but sometimes it’s just don’t fit. Listen to your inner-voice and intuition. Trust your gut and intuition, believe me ๐Ÿ™‚ it has worked for me.

Here a few books that can help you to grow as a person.

Shop here:

Good Vibes Good life

Atomic Habits

The Pivot Year

Reflections 2024.
These are the lessons that I’ve learned in 2024. What did you learn in 2024? Let me know through DM on socials or E-mail. Love to hear from you!

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